Home All News Potential for a New Category 6 for Storms

Potential for a New Category 6 for Storms

Potential for a New Category 6 for Storms
Courtesy of Alexander Gerst (Flickr CC0)

Natural Storms

It is indeed true that natural storms of any kind are terrifying. It can be prepared for, but it can sometimes be very strong, to the point that it can take lives. Additionally, storms just as typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes etc., are all examples of devastating natural disasters.

However, it seems that things have modernized enough to the point that shelters have gotten safer, and there are better measures to save lives. Additionally, resources are sent to areas that have been affected, to help them through the natural disaster, and the after-effects.

Potential for New Category 6

The way storms are currently, is very devastating. Now, it seems that global warming/climate change are heavily impacting the way natural storms are perceived. This is terrifying news, as global warming only makes storms even more treacherous, and can certainly destroy even more than before.

Therefore, there has been a lot of talk about a new category being added to reflect this change. However, this is still very terrifying all things considered. This further proves the need to work on global warming as a whole, because without a team effort, new categories may be added every so often.

Many people do not understand how important it is to work on climate change. It is the origin for all of this possible destruction in the future. The last thing that is needed is for even more lives to be lost. However, if there is technology that can create stronger shelters, that could certainly combat this issue. 156 mph is considered Category 5, as that is currently the max known category.

However, there have been disasters that have reached a whopping 196 mph, which is certainly enough to categorize it as a category 6.

Category 6
Courtesy of Karsun Designs (Flickr CC0)

The Future of Natural Disasters

It truly is terrifying the possible damage that these natural disasters can inflict. Many families can be torn apart by these natural disasters, and the fact that they are getting worse, up to a category 6, is certainly not good news for anyone in the world. Therefore, it is obvious that there needs to be more work done in this particular sector, and it needs to be addressed at a higher rate.

Written by David Loran Jr


USA Today: ‘Category 5’ was considered the worst hurricane. There’s something scarier, study says.

CBS News: Does the hurricane scale need a Category 6? New climate study found 5 recent storms have met the threshold.

Featured Image Courtesy of Alexander Gerst Flickr Page – Creative Commons License

Inset Image Courtesy of Karsun Designs Flickr Page – Creative Commons License


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